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Sometimes we say NO…

By Valeria Garibotti on 6th June, 2024

All that glitters is not gold, and all you see on Instagram is not as beautiful as the unfiltered reality.

When you book with a tour operator, we’ll tell you the real deal, and we’ll also say no to things that just aren’t going to be a great use of your days spend in a destination.

Travel the Fleewinter way and skip the crowds, pass up on the tourist traps and don’t waste your cash on something that may be a great pic, but is also a waste of your precious holiday…



Visiting wildlife sanctuaries that offer to pet predator cubs may seem appealing, but it often supports the cruel canned hunting industry. Cubs are bred in captivity and habituated to humans, only to be sold for trophy hunting once they grow older. This practice exploits the animals and undermines genuine conservation efforts.

By visiting these facilities, tourists unknowingly contribute to a cycle of suffering. Instead, support ethical eco-tourism that prioritizes animal welfare and conservation. Observing predators like lions in their natural habitats ensures they live free and wild, as nature intended.

Educating ourselves and others about the dark side of these petting zoos is crucial. Let’s cherish our wildlife responsibly and protect these magnificent creatures. For more information on the realities of canned hunting, visit Make a difference by choosing ethical wildlife experiences.


Morocco desert


Is it worth going to the Sahara Desert from Marrakech for just one night? We believe it’s not. The drive to the desert, regardless of the route, takes about 7-8 hours nonstop. By the time you reach your camp, you’ll be exhausted, and facing the same long drive back the next day won’t be enjoyable.

To truly appreciate the desert experience, we recommend breaking up the trip. Spend a night somewhere along the way to cut down driving time and arrive at the desert more refreshed. Similarly, breaking up the return trip can make the journey back more pleasant.

This approach not only makes the travel less tiring but also allows you to spend more quality time in the desert, making the entire experience more enjoyable and memorable.




We say no to overcrowded day boats heading to the Blue Caves where your pictures are full of strangers, you’re burnt to a crisp, you get one bottle of water with a sweaty sandwich for lunch, and you must set an alarm, so you’re not left behind.

We say slow down. Spend the whole week getting to this location and visit plenty more – if not better – spots along the way. The Blue Caves are beautiful to visit but venture there for an early breakfast prepared for you by your private chef. Your Captain will position the yacht as close to the caves as possible and you can either swim, paddleboard or tender in. Step back onboard and find your spot on the bow with a cocktail in hand, while your crew assist in your escape before the day boats creep around the headland.


raffles-singapore-verandah Raffles Hotel Singapore
Raffles Hotel Singapore


Atop the surfboard of Marina Bay Sands is an infinity pool that made the rounds on Instagram and for some, it seems crazy to fly all the way to Singapore and not get that selfie. Yet when you ask Fleewinter if you can stay there, we’ll strongly encourage you not to. First, it’s eye-wateringly expensive for even one night. Second, the rooms aren’t that great, the service is nothing special, and the hotel is so large that even the staff sometimes get lost trying to find a room.

If you want the view from the surfboard, go to the bar next to the swimming pool that’s open to the public for the cost of a few drinks. If you want to spend a tidy sum on a place to stay in Singapore, go for The Raffles where the service is exceptional, the luxurious suites justify their cost, and the history and charm of the place are impossible to miss.

If you want some amazing Instagram-worthy photos, then let us arrange a few private tours, both on and off-the-beaten path with a guide who knows where those spots are. Think the rooftop of a public housing estate with a killer view or a tall cylindrical tunnel covered in lush plants with the perfect shaft of light illuminating your face. Singapore is spectacular and there are better ways to experience it than a crowded rooftop infinity pool where everyone is vying for the perfect photo.



Whale sharks are big, beautiful fish and snorkeling or diving with them is an amazing experience. If you ask Fleewinter to arrange this for you in Oslob (Cebu) or Bohol or anywhere else that the locals feed or net these gentle giants in order to become tourist attractions, the answer is no.

The immigration patterns and marine environment have forever changed for the whale sharks who were caught up in Oslob’s popular attraction. They’ve been injured and scarred by propellers from boats and countless snorkelers have kicked both the fish and each other. When we say that seeing the whale sharks in Oslob is like going to the worst zoo you can imagine, we mean it. So we won’t book it. It’s bad for the animals and bad for anyone who cares about them.

Instead, we’ll encourage you to spend a few nights in Donsol where the whale sharks still migrate through between xx and xx. We’re happy to book you a day of snorkeling that starts with a briefing at the Whale Shark Tourism Interaction office before setting out in search of whale sharks in the open ocean. You might see them, you might not. Just like looking for lions in Botswana or orangutans in Borneo, it all comes down to luck. Wild animals are just that, whether on land or in the sea. Our tip: spend 3 or 4 nights there so that you have time for a second day of snorkeling or diving in case you didn’t see whale sharks the first time.



The highest mountain in South East Asia is in Borneo and for many, a visit is not complete without climbing Mt Kinabalu. at 3,094 meters, it’s not dauntingly high so a summit is achievable for just about anyone with reasonable fitness and good mental stamina. Permits are limited to the number of beds on the mountain and a large number are reserved for local residents. Which means that a Borneo holiday sometimes has to be planned around the dates that permits are available.

Want to start your holiday by flying from the UK to Borneo, staying one night in Kota Kinabalu, then heading direct to the trail the next morning? Not when you book with us. Altitude sickness is no fun and if you’ve just landed in Borneo, you need to start adjusting to the time zone plus the tropical heat and humidity. All of that plus going direct to the trailhead from sea level creates a recipe for a miserable holiday.

Our advice: start with a stopover in Kuala Lumpur or Singapore or even better, spend some time around Kuching. Go for a short day hike outside of Kuching to see what it’s like going uphill in the tropics and explore a less touristed part of Borneo before heading for Kota Kinabalu. Spend the night before the hike at the base of the mountain in the national park. This way, you’re as accustomed to the climate as you can be on holiday and your body has a night of sleeping at a higher altitude than the ocean. Trust us when we say this gives you the best chance of enjoying your Mt Kinabalu hike.



Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka and certainly rich with history and great dining options. But it’s also pretty loud and busy and can be a stressful first or last stop on a tour of this otherwise incredible island…
Galle is a far more charming option with outstanding boutique hotels, shops and restaurants, fascinating architecture – and it’s just a short drive away on the south coast. From this base you can easily visit the glorious beaches just outside the town too.
Take a one or two-night cruise around the stunning UNESCO Halong Bay in Vietnam


A cruise in UNESCO protected Halong Bay off the north east coast of Vietnam cannot be missed it’s true – the limestone caves are incredible and kayaking out to tiny islands is gorgeous.
But – do it the Fleewinter way and seek out the less beaten paths so you can avoid the crowds. We’ve sought out not only the most luxurious boats but the best routes, so you can expect less boat traffic and more authenticity. Stay a couple of nights to get truly away from the hustle and bustle.

Valeria Garibotti
Itineraries & Destinations