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Should you use a tour operator?

By Theodora Taylor Franks on 20th May, 2024

Should you use a tour operator?

Spoiler alert: booking with Fleewinter is significantly better than trusting the internet…

But why?

After all, the internet has meant that arranging your own holiday is easier than ever., AirBnB, even reserving tables in restaurants in far flung destinations – it’s all available online – it just takes a bit of research and time…

So why should you involve a middle-man, specifically a tour operator?

Bali Honeymoon
Ilikake - sapphire washing

1. You’ll enjoy a private, personalised itinerary.

You tell us what makes you tick. And we listen.

Then you relax. And we use our expertise to design the holiday you would have planned if you had months, and months, and months of time to research (but don’t.)

What if going on the perfect holiday was pretty much guaranteed after just a couple of calls?

It is. With

2. You’ll feel total peace of mind.

There’s not much worse than getting to the hotel after a long flight, ready to have a glass of wine and dive into a soft, clean bed only to discover…

… with that horrible stomach sinking feeling, you’ve arrived a day early, and the hotel is fully booked.

That’s not relaxing AT ALL.

When you book with us, we triple check the admin. You just focus on excitement.

Plus, if something does go wrong, we’ll help you fix it – someone else in your corner.

3. You’ll pay one price.

And what’s included in that price will as crystal clear as the waters in the Bahamas.

When you book with a tour operator, you’ll know what’s included, where, when – and what the extras you’ll need to plan for while you’re on hols are.

Other than organisation, this means you can properly budget.

Because, as well as giving you one clear price, your specialist at Fleewinter will tell you how much things in country are, where you need to haggle over price (there’s an art to it!) and where not to go, to avoid being ripped off.

4. It’s really, really easy.

Booking a holiday with Fleewinter is painless.

Now we would say that, obviously: but our clients say it about us, too.

“This was the first time I’ve used a travel agent in probably 20 years, and was the easiest holiday booking I’ve had in a long time. The whole thing was organised in a few emails.”

“I have always planned my travel independently and love doing so, but your company have exceeded all my expectations.”

You enquire. You tell us what you want. We plan it. Then you go on holiday and have a marvellous time. The end.

5. We’ve been there before.

There are only a few rules when working as part of Fleewinter, but the biggest one is that our team have to know first hand what they’re selling.

Part of the job at Fleewinter is to go on regular Familiarisation Trips (FAM) to inspect hotels, try new excursions, meet those we work with and find the hidden gems* we know you’ll love.

That’s pretty unique in the world of tour operating.

*and the public gems: because who’d go to Athens and skip the Acropolis?!  But we will tell you the best time of day to go to avoid the crowds…

Top must see Namibia, antelopes and giraffes in Etosha Etosha National Park - Namibia

6. Vamoos.

Finally… wouldn’t it be great if, during your holiday, you had every detail, boarding pass, flight number, transfer time, restaurant recommendation, place of interest, hotel detail and so much more on yours and your fellow traveller’s phones? Available offline?

Plus, it’d be great to chat with your Fleewinter specialist live, create beautiful keepsake photobooks – and even check the weather … right?!

When you book with Fleewinter, that’s exactly what you’ll get: because we use the incredible travel app Vamoos. Book with Fleewinter and have everything you need right in your pocket. Stress free.


So in answer to the question: should you use a Tour Operator, our answer is a firm: YES.

Bonus read:


Written by Theodora Taylor Franks

Top Travel Tip

“Don’t go sailing with expectations, the wind is rarely playing the same game you are.  Sailing is the art of taking ages often going in entirely the wrong direction and still being pleased about it.  Just take each moment as it arrives and if it’s all feeling a bit slow, switch the engine on and make a cuppa.  Same can be said for life, really.”


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