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It’s time to flee winter.

By Alisdair Luxmoore on 30th May, 2024

It’s time to Flee Winter.

The northern hemisphere is hurtling towards summer.  The mercury is rising, and there’s a whole world out there to be discovered.  Will you travel to Europe, or go further afield?

Planning holidays is an exciting thing.

But, if you’re time-poor, feel like you’re running at 100mph constantly, or madly keeping plates spinning then realistically, are you going to enjoy adding another thing to the mental to-do list?

All that research, all those reviews to read to make sure that you’ve not got that awful feeling of missing out, or that the hotels you choose really are as good as they say they are…

That’s why I set up Fleewinter, to make booking a holiday something that’s not only easy, it’s also seriously enjoyable.

With Fleewinter, you outsource the planning to someone who’s spent months – if not years – in the country you’re thinking of travelling to.  Someone who’s been to the hotels in person, and can confirm that yes: they’re really that good or that no, there was some seriously creative use of a wide-angle lens.

Stop wasting hours googling the perfect holiday, and instead talk to someone who’ll make the best use of your time by chatting through what would make your holiday perfect; what you love, what you’d prefer to avoid, what sort of hotels you’d like to stay in.  It’s time to flee winter.

We’ll put together an itinerary for you, so you all you need to do is focus on looking forward to your holiday.

It’s not all escaping the winter

Fleewinter was originally set up to help others escape the UK’s somewhat bleak months of November-February, but with the team quickly growing to more than 20, we also run head-first at winter in some destinations!

Huge portion of Europe are utterly glorious in the months that we want to leave the UK.  So if you’re a snow human rather than sunshine, and the idea of needing to flee winter just doesn’t make sense, get in touch – there’s something for every traveller with Fleewinter.

Written by Alisdair Luxmoore

Top Travel Tip

“There are many myths about when is the right time to travel, so It is always best to talk to someone with inside knowledge.  I always visit the Greek islands in the so-called ‘low season’ as there are less crowds and the weather is just as good – sometimes better.  The same goes for Morocco, as people think the summer is too hot – but simply avoid the cities and it is brilliant time to visit.” – Alisdair Luxmoore, Fleewinter Founder, Morocco & Greek Sailing Expert

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