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Travel Tips for First-Time Safari Goers

By Daphne Wijnveldt on 14th June, 2024

Fleewinter - African wild dog cubs The African Wild Dog, an endangered species
Fleewinter - elephant encounter
Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - Leopard mom with cub

Booking Your Safari: Tips for First Time Travelers

I remember how excited I was, planning my very first safari. Whether you’re dreaming of witnessing the Great Migration in Tanzania or tracking the Big Five in South Africa, the anticipation is part of the thrill. However, stepping into the wild for the first time can be daunting, I am aware of that. For this reason, I thought I share 10 First-Time Safari Travel Tips to make you more comfortable and we will make sure your safari is unforgettable for all the right reasons.

Top must see Namibia, antelopes and giraffes in Etosha Etosha National Park - Namibia
Mokoro boat safari - Botswana
Mara River crossing - Tanzania

1. Choosing the Right Safari Destination: Tips for First Time Travelers

Africa is vast and diverse, with each country offering unique safari experiences. For instance:

  • South Africa: Ideal for first timers with its well-developed infrastructure and renowned Kruger National Park.
  • Kenya and Tanzania: Perfect for those wanting to witness the Great Migration.
  • Botswana: Offers incredible water-based safaris in the Okavango Delta.
  • Namibia: Known for its surreal landscapes and unique wildlife in Etosha National Park.
  • Zambia: Its beauty lies in its lush landscapes, abundant wildlife, and commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly tourism practices.

The more information I get from you, the better I can meet your expectations.

Fleewinter travel tips, sable antelope fighting Kruger National Park, Sable antelopes - South Africa

2. Best Times to Visit: Planning Your First Safari Trip

The timing of your safari can significantly impact your experience. Generally, the dry season (June to October) is considered the best time for game viewing as animals congregate around water sources. However, the wet season (November to May) has its own charm, with lush landscapes, fewer tourists, and excellent birdwatching opportunities and… Lower prices!

3. Packing Essentials for First Time Safari Travel Tips

Another First-Time Safari Travel Tips, is packing for a safari requires a balance between practicality and comfort and can be challenging when using small aircrafts for lodge hopping, as you can only take 15 kilos. I know I have been struggling the first few trips.

Here’s a checklist to get you started:

  • Clothing: Lightweight, neutral-coloured clothes to blend into the environment and avoid attracting insects. Long sleeves and pants for evenings to protect against mosquitoes.
  • Footwear: Comfortable, closed-toe shoes for walking safaris.
  • Accessories: A wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and a scarf or bandana to protect against dust.
  • Gear: Binoculars, a good camera with a zoom lens, and extra memory cards.

Remember to pack light as many safari lodges have laundry services.

Horseback safari's for young and old - South Africa
Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - Game walk Walking safari
Fleewinter - Sunrise game drive Sunrise game drives

4. Wildlife Etiquette: Key Tips for First Time Safari Goers

Respecting the wildlife and local cultures is paramount. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Stay Quiet: Keeping noise to a minimum ensures you don’t disturb the animals.
  • Follow your ranger’s instructions: Rangers/Guides are experts, and their advice keeps you safe.
  • Don’t Feed the Animals: It can be harmful to their health and makes them dependent on humans.
  • Leave No Trace: Take pictures and leave nothing but footprints avoid disturbing the natural environment.

5. Health and Safety Tips for First Time Safari Travelers

Health and safety should be a priority. Here are some tips:

  • Vaccinations and Medications: Check if you need any vaccinations or malaria prophylaxis before you travel.
  • Stay Hydrated: The African sun can be intense, so drink plenty of water.
  • Sun Protection: Use a high SPF sunscreen, even on cloudy days.
Fleewinter - Elephant close up

6. Embrace the Experience

A safari is more than just seeing animals; it’s about immersing yourself in the wild. For me it is taking time to enjoy the smaller moments, like the dawn chorus of birds or the stars in the unpolluted night sky. Be patient; wildlife sightings can be unpredictable, but that’s part of the magic. It is not always about seeing the Big Five and ticking off a list. I love to go on game walks to concentrate on the smaller things the bush has to offer. Ask your ranger as many questions as you can, he will gladly share his knowledge.

7. Capture Memories, But Be Present

While capturing photos and videos is fantastic, don’t forget to put the camera down and fully experience the moment. Sometimes, the best memories are those etched in our minds rather than our memory cards.

Fleewinter - Game viewing from a bike Cycling through the reserve is a great experience too
Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - boat safari, hippo sighting Water based safari
Fleewinter - South Africa night drive Night drives are stunning!

8. Choosing the Right Safari Destination: Tips for First Time Travelers

There are various ways to experience a safari:

  • Game Drives: The most common and accessible, usually in 4×4 vehicles.
  • Walking Safaris: Offer a closer connection to nature and are perfect for spotting smaller wildlife and plants.
  • Boat Safaris: Particularly in regions like Botswana’s Okavango Delta, provide a unique perspective.
  • Hot Air Balloon Safaris: For a breathtaking view of the landscape and wildlife from above.

For me the private concessions are the better choice, as here you are allowed to follow the predators off road as well. It is tough to follow a predator and not be able to witness what happens as they go into the bush and off the road.

Selecting the right type of safari can enhance your experience significantly.

Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - Hoyo Hoyo Safari Lodge Hoyo Hoyo Safari Lodge - South Africa
Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - Chisa Busanga Nest/Zambia Chisa Busanga Camp - Zambia
Angama Amboseli National Park - Kenya

9. Budgeting Tips for First Time Safari Travelers

Safari accommodations range from basic to very luxury lodges. Together we will research your options to find what suits your comfort level and budget. Each type offers a different experience, from the rustic charm of a tented camp to the opulence of a five-star lodge. Safari is not the cheapest trip, but I can honestly tell that it is worth every penny!

Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - Zulu warriors Zulu warriors - South Africa
Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - Himba people Himba Tribe - Namibia
Fleewinter - Masai Warriors Masai Warriors - Kenya

10. Cultural Sensitivity on Safari: Tips for First Time Visitors

My final First-Time Safari Travel Tip. When visiting local communities, show respect and interest in their ways of life. Learning a few phrases in the local language, understanding customs, and being mindful of cultural sensitivities can enrich your safari experience.

Fleewinter First-Time Safari Travel Tips - Leopard One of the cutes pictures I made

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Your first safari is bound to be a life-changing adventure. With a bit of preparation and an open mind, you’ll create memories that last a lifetime.

So, get in touch with me to start planning your safari and soon you can pack your bags, grab your binoculars, and get ready to explore the wonders of the African wilderness.


It is addicting and you will probably never ever want to visit a zoo again!

Written by Daphne Wijnveldt

Top Travel Tip

..Waking up at 5am, doesn’t get better than in the African Bush! Waking up to the sounds of the wildlife, the smell of fresh coffee and the knowledge that soon you will see amazing things during a morning game drive” – Daphne, Africa Safari Specialist

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